Christian Living

At the Right Time, I, the Lord, Will Make It Happen.

“At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.” – Isaiah 60:22

I turned 30 today! I feel like life gets better as I age. I feel more refined and more confident with the decisions I make.

Scripture says that Jesus was around 30 when He started His ministry (Luke 3:23). Joseph was 30 when he was seated on the throne, second in command to Pharaoh, the King of Egypt (Genesis 41:46). David was also 30 years old when he was anointed as King of Israel (2 Samuel 5:4).

Thirty was the age that God felt they were ready and mature enough to lead, transform lives, and change the world. We know through their stories that God prepared them all those years to finally bring them to their calling and purpose in life. We see that their lives weren’t without trials and tribulations. They were refined through every trial, and made stronger through every setback. Without them, they wouldn’t have been the great leaders that they were. They carried those experiences with them and understood that it helped shaped their lives in the most positive way.

I’ve learned that it’s okay to not have everything figured out yet. Not even at 30. God’s timing is always perfect (Isaiah 55:8-9; Isaiah 60:22). God will make it happen for you at the right time. The perfect time. I feel like it’s hard not to get sucked into believing that we need to have it all together by a certain age. Life is a journey and we’re always growing as people and being refined through every experience and every milestone. We change our minds and alter our goals, based on what life throws at us. We change careers, go back to school, start new lives across the country, have setbacks.

Our circumstances won’t ever truly be perfect, but we can rest in knowing that we’re on the right path when we’re following God’s lead.